Elvis Perkins in Dearland

Debuted: January 11th, 2010

Now Playing:

“Stay Zombie Stay”

Boy meets Zombie, Boy loses Zombie. It came down to me through a borrowed 12-string guitar and a piano and has seen several incarnations.

The Session:

Elvis Perkins in Dearland

Debuted: January 11th, 2010

Our little corner of Music Row was alive with buzz and bodies the afternoon of the Elvis Perkins in Dearland Lake Fever Session. In addition to the six of us that twist the knobs and point the cameras and Elvis and his band, the studio lounge and control room was nearly filled with friendly folks on hand to pitch in, hang out and witness what Elvis and his crew had in store for us.

Our partners at American Songwriter magazine were certainly representing. Editor Matt Shearon brought along Rachel Briggs to snap some choice still shots, while Skip Matheny (also of Roman Candle fame) was holding court in the lounge, anticipating his post-session interview with Elvis for his Drinks with Skip interview series for the magazine. Later, Out the Other's Janet Timmons and Li'l Miss Caitlin Rose showed up to handle some live Twitterin' on behalf of Lake Fever Sessions. These wonderful gals had the foresight to bring a crock-pot filled with hot sausage Rotell dip, which kept our hungry stomachs at bay (Thanks ya'll!). With all of these folks in the studio that day, we couldn't have picked a better scenario to have Nashville Scene scribe Sean Maloney with us, jotting down notes while taking in all the madnees.

Throw a couple cases of beer into the mix with 17 or so folks and well...let's just say there was a definite party vibe going on that afternoon. Lots of laughing and chatting, catching up with old friends and making new ones. But all that came to a screeching halt once Elvis and his boys stepped on the other side of the glass. Personally, I had no idea what to expect but I, along with everyone else, was absolutely blown away by their performance.

It was kind of beautiful, really. The juxtoposition of Elvis' neatly detached cool- all hard lacquered pompadour and dark as night Ray Bans- and the music that came from him and his band. Maybe I was expecting something a lttle more hip, a little more contemporary. What we got was far, far better. It was stark and pure, straight from the soul. Gospel music for the young and jaded. If these tunes don't bring you into the light, well then, something's not quite right with you , boy. Enjoy!

-Joe Baine Colvert