The Non-Commissioned Officers

Debuted: March 15th, 2010

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One night I was at the Compound studio working late. I had been making pretty good headway on the score and decided to continue even though it was about 4 in the morning. Just as I decided, a giant black spider crawled between my feet and under some outboard gear. I got really freaked out and started singing what became the first line: “We don’t hang out in Spidertown.” I figured out the chords and a second lyric, shut down the studio and went to bed. Eric would later write the third line. I mulled over it for the next couple of days and thought that it would make a really awesome song for the end credits.

- Jordan Lehning

The Session:

The Non-Commissioned Officers

Debuted: March 15th, 2010

So there's this movie, right? It's called Make-Out with Violence. It's not a zombie movie, but there is a zombie in it. It's good. A little long, but an excellent watch, nonetheless. Now what's interesting is the story behind this flick and how it was made. I'll get to the Non-Commissioned Officers in a sec... they're part of the story.

Several years ago, a large group of friends lent their time and talents to see this film to completion. Writers, directors, musicians, actors, designers, cameramen, editors, and whatever other roles goes into such endeavors - they all served. And they did it all for free - or at least close to free - and they did it for a long time. Two years? Three years? It doesn't matter really... it was a long, drawn out process.

As is the case with most labor-of-love projects, what little financing was secured quickly ran dry. What to do? What to do? The film had to get finished. I'll get to that, too.

So one of the hallmarks of this film is its music. A 44-song soundtrack (44!) was meticulously crafted by some of the film's lead actors in their home studio. Think Brian Eno & Ennio Morricone writing for pop tunes for Pere Ubu. Yeah, it's cool. And they totally knew it.

Well with a soundtrack that's so good, why not piece together a live band to perform the soundtrack around Nashville to raise some dough to fund film and promote it while at it? If you've ever been in a band before, you probably realize what a completely ridiculous notion that is. And from what I can tell, they probably didn't raise too much cash to fund the film. Well, at least not at the onset.

You see, it wasn't until well after the film's debut that the Non-Coms began to rise to the top of Nashville's rock scene. In the past year, they've become one of few local acts to actually gain a sizable - and thus, profitable - audience. If they keep it up, the boys in this band could be riding this project to the bank and the cleaners.

Hell, maybe they could fund Make-Out with Violence II.

Seriously though, hope y'all enjoy this Lake Fever Session from the Non-Commissioned Officers. Good stuff all around.