Roman Candle

Debuted: February 13th, 2009

Now Playing:

“Why Modern Radio is A-OK”

Logan: When we lived in Chapel Hill, there was about a 6-month stint where Thad Cockrell (a good friend of ours, and an amazing songwriter) was sleeping on the couch at my house. One night we had all gone over to Skip and Timshel's for dinner. While we were cooking, we were playing various records and at some point, someone puts Neil Young's Comes a Time on. As soon as the first song started, Thad came around the corner, genuinely teary-eyed, and said "I can't listen to this record right now, I fell in love to that record and I'm not ready to hear it right now". We all felt a little bad, and a couple weeks later, while Skip was brushing his teeth he came up with this song.

The Session:

Roman Candle

Debuted: February 13th, 2009


For better or worse, sometimes being in a band can feel like being in a family. Someone will almost always emerge as the de-facto leader - the daddy - calling the shots as he or she so desires, leading with a (usually) steady hand. But this sort of paternal strength requires a strong wife's support to be effective. Someone's gotta handle business and lovingly communicate to the others when, how, and why things are gonna happen. Then, of course, you've got the others: the kids... the children... the young'uns. Now these roles run across the entire spectrum: the prissy boss of an older sister (the flashy lead guitar player), the slacker kid brother, who's usually up to no good (probably the bass player), the always-a-mess runt of the bunch (always, always, always the drummer) ...hell, you've even got the occasional awkwardness of that step-sister that's 10 years older than the rest (keyboard player - i.e. Garth Hudson from The Band) or the troubled foster kid that's around for a season and then, thankfully, gone forever (former junkie lead singer). All in all, it can get a little complicated.

Now here's why I like Roman Candle... they are a real family. A husband & wife, a brother & sister, two brothers, a sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, and so on. It is this foundation that has allowed Roman Candle to persevere through the travails of a major-label shuffle and the years of subsequent purgatory. Without these family bonds, I doubt they would have left their home in Chapel Hill to regroup some 500+ miles away here in Nashville, let alone emerge stronger and tighter as they've done. That sort of perseverance is rooted in blood and commitment. Now that's family, y'all.

Well we here at Lake Fever Sessions are certainly glad they did make the move to Music City. Their sharp, intelligent Southern pop is a most welcomed addition to musical landscape that surrounds us. Along with a host of other Nashvillians, we certainly claim them as our own. And with that, we proudly present Nashville, Tennessee's Roman Candle. Enjoy.