The Black Hollies
Debuted: February 1st, 2010
“Gloomy Monday Morning”
"Let's try to channel the "If It's All The Same To You Babe" by Luther Ingram, Charlatans UK, Stone Roses,Jesus And Mary Chain, "God's Cop" by Happy Mondays, Inspiral Carpets and Motown!!!".
Two days after that band's 2008 CMJ performance, what initially started out as a regular routine of unloading our equipment out of the van and loading it all back inside the rehearsal space, turned into something more magical than we ever could have imagined on the ride there. It was mid afternoon on a Saturday and Jon and I were almost finished setting up all of our gear. We had been listening to WFMU( where they were broadcasting live from the record fair over in NYC. All throughout our moving operation, I had been debating whether or not to head into the city to dig into record bins in search of new finds. Then while searching through my bag, I came across one "magic" brownie, that a friend had given me a couple of days ago. Jon was notified immediately and without a second going by, he sugested that we abort the record fair idea and eat this brownie now. I was just about to begin mental debate with myself when out of nowhere Jon takes the brownie from my hand, rips it in half, shoves his share inside of his mouth while extending the remaining half in front of my face.
Justin Angelo: "Are you sure man?"
Jon: "Dude, just fucking eat it. It's only half so we're probably not going to feel anything at all".
Justin Angelo: "Really man? Do you think we'll be ok?"
Jon: "Just fucking eat now!"
Justin Angelo: "Ok. Fuck it. Why not?"
Jon made his way over to the Farfisa and started to play around while I continued moving things around the room. Evenutally I made my way behind the drum set and played some grooves over the sounds coming out of Jon's amplifier. An hour or so passes by and Jon plays a series of melodic notes. It hits me straight up. I'm like, "Jon, play those notes again that you just played". He returns with that same series of notes and it transports me into another idea for a series of bass note to be played underneath the melodic parts. Probably similar to when Kevin Morrison and Toby Manzerek were writing "Bite My Fire" back in the day, right? Or maybe something else along those lines? Anyway, it becomes obvious to the both of us that the half "magic" brownie ingested is more than enough. After figuring out the notes that sound cool, I returned to the drum set and we record this idea to tape. I turned the drum microphones all the way up so that that sounded like they were on the verge of explosion and we split Jon's organ into two different amps. We captured this groove on one take and while listening to the playback, we could hear Terre T's(Cherry Blossom Clinic. voice coming out of the radio speaker that the room microphone picked up. Apparently we didn't realize that the radio had been left on the entire time. Lyris as usual are purely soulful, sweet, sincere and honest. "Her head begins to spin just like a washing machine, then suddenly she comes out loud". Aren't the best, most memorable moments the most euphoric ones? Don't lie.
The Black Hollies
When You're Not ThereThe Black Hollies
Gloomy Monday MorningThe Black Hollies
Run With Me RunThe Black Hollies
Sounds like I'm describing those first two Nuggets box set compilations, doesn't it? I'm not, but I suppose I could be and that's a good thing. I love those lost mid-Sixties gems unearthed from the rubble. The Black Hollies probably do too, but unlike me, they've done something with it. Their love for this sound spawned inspiration and action and creation and they've been criss-crossing the US for the past several years with it. These boys obviously believe in what they do. Count me in as a fellow Believer.
I was somewhat surprised to discover the pre-history of the band. Before diving headfirst into their current endeavors, 3/4 of The Black Hollies were the 3/5 of Rye Coalition. Now I'm still yet still to actually hear Rye Coalition, but I know the name from seeing it in print all over the place a few years ago. Turns out these guys learned a lot about the highs and lows of the music biz. Here's the short version... Proved themselves in indie circles with four critically praised releases > jumped up to the majors with a deal with DreamWorks > championed and produced by Dave Grohl > toured with Foo Fighters, Mars Volta, Queens of the Stone Age > shuffled to Interscope by the powers that be > sat in that all-too-familiar major-label release purgatory for a couple years > hired lawyers > won rights to masters > back to the indies.
As I said, I've never heard Rye Coalition and I do not plan to. Supposedly they were one of those so-called "hard rock" bands that the kids were loving mid-decade, which I can take or leave (usually leave, actually). I can only assume they were miles away from The Black Hollies. After their experiences through the mid-Aughts, can you blame them for such a dynamic shift in style? I, for one, cannot and am happy they did. Of course, I am a sucker for that hot, hot sound of The Black Hollies.
So tune it, drop out, get down or whatever it is those damned drugged out hippies used to say, and love these Lake Fever Sessions from The Black Hollies. You know I do!
-Joe Baine Colvert