The Privates

Debuted: January 9th, 2009

Now Playing:

“Misery Business (Paramore)”

We learned this for our set of local rock covers at the Nashville Cream anniversary party last August. I think maybe ten people in the crowd recognized it, and half of them thought it was an Apollo Up! song. I want to rip this to YouTube and see what kind of comment mayhem ensues. -Dave Paulson
The Session:

The Privates

Debuted: January 9th, 2009


The Privates were an obvious choice for the debut of Lake Fever Sessions. From overheard conversations of putting together a "casual rock band" to their work with Jason Bullock on two EP's and one full-length, these four guys have always had a place in our ears and hearts. Long-term relationships notwithstanding, we love the music these four have always created.

While their songs shine with infectious charm, there is a certain paranoia and jaggedness in their musical point of view. It is this symbiotic juxtaposition of pure pop and weird art that makes it work. And while the whole melodic, art-damaged band schtick is nothing new, what makes The Privates truly special is that their's is obviously an organic and honest expression of their talents.